Constructed by: Katie Petruzzelli
The Celian language is one of flowing words — one rolling effortlessly into the next. To those fortunate enough to hear and understand — every calming word is a peaceful song.
Let this guide to the Celian language help connect you to the oneness of the Universe. Go in light.
Pronunciations and Tenses
c– c is always pronounced as a k sound. Therefore, the word Celian is always pronounced Kelian, and not as Selian.
x – x is always pronounced as a s sound, making the word Xhin pronounce as S-hin, and not Zhin. The one acceptation to this rule is the word Xelian which is still pronounced as Kelian as shown in the English spelling of the word.
a – a is always prounced as an au sound, as in ‘trauma’. Making the word Alan pronounced as Au-laun and not with the pronunciation of as the name ‘Alan’.
e- e is always pronounced with the short vowel sound of e such as the word ‘tender’.
i- i is always pronounced as a hard e. Making the word Garin prounounced as Gar-een and not as Gar-in.
o- o is always pronounced as a hard o, as in the word ‘home’. Making the word lio pronounced as lee-O
u- u is always pronounced as an oo sound, as in the word ‘broom’. Making the word fodu pronounced as fo-doo.
y- y is is not often used, and has the same rules as the letter i
Removing the last consonant and vowel from the end of a word and replacing it with -um will make the word plural. Example: Orah (Gnorb) becomes Orum (Gnorbs). If the word ends in a vowel, only that last vowel is removed and the -um is added. Example: Aliomi (History) becomes Aliomum (Histories). If the word is two letters or less, -um is simply added onto the end of the word. Example: Ma (Doom) becomes Maum (Dooms).
There is a singular use and a plural use of the word ‘the’. Lai (the) is used when the word following it is singular. Example: Lai tatam (The power). Fi (the) is used when the word following it is plural. Example: Fi tatum (The powers.)
Adding -ing
Adding –wa to the end of a Celian word is equivalent to adding ‘-ing’ to the end of a word in English. Example: Morran (Know) becomes Morranwa (Knowing).
Past Tense
Adding -ne to the end of a Celian word will make the word past tense. Example: Alan (Unify) becomes Alanne (Unified).
Celian Glossary
Celian to English:
Alan: Unify
Alanne: Unified
Aliomi: History
Aliomum: Histories
Am: Inside
Ank: Go
As: Incarnation
Bledash: Source
Cassim: Become
Cha: That
Che: Give
Chene: Given
Clay: Day
Clayum: Days
Fage: Our
Fan: If
Fatsi: It
Feriate: Perfection
Fi: The (plural — example: fi tatum/the powers)
Figgii: Part
Fodu: This
Fume: Longer
Garin: Fearful
Ghi: Human
Gighe: Call
Gighum: Called
Gleotopa: Let
Ganna: Pathway
Gredia: Command
Hane: Cause
I: Into
Ima: Have
In: I
Inu: Soul
Kachiti: Understand
Kilonye: Embodiment
La: Chose
Laan: One
Lanna: Single
Lai: The (singular — example: lai S/the Universe)
Leom: Look
Leitt: Real
Liageakiowa: Everything
Lio: Oneness
Lipa: Truth
Lith: Will
Loch: Be
Lochlaan: Be One
Lome: Way
Lon: All
Ma: Doom
Maage: You
Maagan: Your
Magien: Belong
Magium: Belongs
Mai: Physical
Manro: Find
Masi: Of
Maum: Doomed
Maya: Pure
Me: Vision
Morran: Know
Morranne: Known
Morranwa: Knowing
Morvaba: Mind
Morvabum: Minds
Nane: Allow
Naniba: Light
Ne: A
Nu: No
Nun: Not
O: And
Obana: Through
Obrdur: Held
Oloragi: We
Ommol: Elevate
Ommolne: Elevated
Onamm: Lonely
Ongam: Darken
Ongamna: Darkness
Orah: Gnorb
Orum: Gnorbs
Ori: Make
Orine: Made
Orinima: Energy
Pae: Keeper
Pug: Greed
Pasch: Gift
Paschne: Gifted
Paum: Keepers
Presg: Us
Qua: Spirit
Rah: Every
Re: Back
Reage: Revenge
Reaom: Own
S: Universe
Sapharono: Great
Savi: Anger
She: Fault
Shovate: Each
Shum: Lost
Sho: Lose
So: Sensation
Stali: Life
Stamus: Breaths
Strat: Is
Ta: With
Taan: Future
Tash: Must
Tati: Are
Tatam: Power
Tatum: Powers
Te: Who
Ti: Secret
Titik: For
Tu: To
U: Universal
Umlin: Heart
Univa: Love
Uti: Wonderment
Va: Needed
Vi: Explore
Vici: Hatred
Vie: Eternal
Vioswe: Paradise
Vo: Solely
Xelian: Celian
Xihn: Do
English to Celian:
A: Ne
All: Lon
Allow: Nane
And: O
Anger: Savi
Are: Tati
Back: Re
Be: Loch
Be One: Lochlaan
Become: Cassim
Belong: Magien
Belongs: Magium
Breaths: Stamus
Call: Gighe
Called: Gighum
Cause: Hane
Celian: Xelian
Chose: La
Command: Gredia
Darken: Ongam
Darkness: Ongammna
Day: Clay
Days: Clayum
Do: Xihn
Doomed: Ma
Doomed: Maum
Each: Shovate
Elevate: Ommol
Elevated: Ommolne
Embodiment: Kilonye
Energy: Ominima
Eternal: Vie
Every: Rah
Everything: Liageakiowa
Explore: Vi
Fault: She
Fearful: Garin
Find: Manro
For: Titik
Future: Taan
Gift: Pasch
Gifted: Paschne
Give: Che
Given: Chene
Gnorb: Orah
Gnorbs: Orum
Go: Ank
Great: Sapharono
Greed: Pug
Hatred: Vici
Have: Ima
Heart: Umlin
Held: Obrdur
Histories: Aliomum
History: Aliomi
Human: Ghi
I: In
If: Fan
Incarnation: As
Inside: Am
Into: I
Is: Strat
It: Fatsi
Keeper: Pae
Keepers: Paum
Know: Morran
Known: Morranne
Knowing: Morranwa
Let: Gleotopa
Life: Stali
Light: Naniba
Longer: Fume
Look: Leom
Lose: Sho
Lost: Shum
Love: Univa
Made: Orne
Make: Ori
Mind: Morvaba
Minds: Morvabum
Must: Tash
Needed: Va
No: Nu
Not: Nun
Of: Masi
One: Laan
Oneness: Lio
Our: Fage
Own: Reaom
Paradise: Vioswe
Part: Figgii
Passed: Cleh
Pathway: Ganna
Perfection: Feriate
Physical: Mai
Power: Tatam
Powers: Tatum
Pure: Maya
Real: Leitt
Revenge: Reage
Secret: Ti
Sensation: So
Single: laana
Solely: Vo
Soul: Inu
Source: Bledsash
Spirit: Qua
That: Cha
The (plural): Fi (example: fi tatum/the powers)
The (singular): Lai (example: lai S/the Universe)
This: Fodu
Through: Obana
To: Tu
Truth: Lipa
Understand: Kachiti
Unify: Alan
Unified: Alannne
Universal: U
Universe: S
Vision: Me
Way: Lome
We: Oloragi
Who: Te
With: Ta
Wonderment: Uti
You: Maage
Your: Maagan