You Humans

You Humans

You humans do not realize you are the race of this planet. The human race. You look for the differences and see color and not substance. You create myths to make yourselves better than someone else just because someone defines things in a book differently from whoever wrote your book. At heart, you believe the same basic truths because, in your genetic essence, you know what is right and good and just, but you need your words to be right to make others wrong.  You rarely see there is enough of everything on this beautiful planet and that makes you greedy, selfish and cruel. When you understand,  if you all share, no one will want for anything. You are cruel to the other creatures you share your world with. Your trash what nature gives you for free saying you own it and must sell it for the most useless and absurd creation you ever came up with, money. You repress, control, fight and kill each other when you should help each other. You have a capacity to love as vast and as pure as the universe.  “You are at your best when things are at their worst.” Thank you Starman.

You need to grow up, evolve, take responsibility for yourself and each other and understand until you do, you have no place in Universal consciousness and that… will be your demise. Questions?